Three Rivers Beekeepers Association
Three Rivers Beekeepers Association (TRBKA) is a friendly group of beekeepers in the North West of Ireland.
Based out of Doneyloop, Co. Donegal we have members from across Donegal, Tyrone and Derry-Londonderry. Always open to new members, we welcome novices and experienced beekeepers alike.
Beekeeping Education
At TRBKA we encourage all our members to take a formal beekeeping course. As beekeepers we have a responsibility to our bees, to members of the public, and to fellow beekeepers. We need to ensure we are keeping our bees happy and healthy. Our courses will give you the knowledge you need to get the most out of your bees.
Club Membership
The club is easy to join you can sign up at any time of the year, although membership runs from January to December. Member benefits include: regular monthly meetups; mentoring advice and support; access to a library of beekeeping resources; shared purchasing for items such as jars, frames; access to educational courses, and much more. Pop over to our Membership Page for more details.
2024 Honey Show
Thank you to everyone who came along to make it a record breaking competition for Three Rivers. Head over to our Honey Show page to read our Honey Show Report, find out who won the competitions, and see all the photos on our Honey Show page.
Copyright: Three Rivers Beekeepers Association 2022 &2023